Bona Segments
Bona Investment & Management Co. is the Platform to unite investors with the businesses, to create bona fide opportunities for both sides. Bona implements and achieves the optimum in M&A, Spin–off, Debt financing, Financial restructuring, Strategic Partnership, Business Development, Business Streamlining, Investment, Management & Operational needs of its clients.

Bona is a boutique investment and management consultancy company, having offices in Netherlands, and Turkey. Bona’s network span is reaching as far as Asia-Pacific, South Africa, Middle-East, Europe, Russia, and N. America. We are basically a bridging company that unites the investors with the project/business owners.
Bona applies ESG criteria as an investment and risk management methodology. We believe that ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) assessment should be more than a mere box-ticking exercise. Instead, this should lie at the heart of every project we analyze and every investor we assess, as we strive to serve and build sustainable outcomes on the long run. Our responsible investment process is underpinned by two fundamental guidelines: the Sustainable Development Charter and the approach for a responsible ESG management.
Our Sustainable Development Charter commits our efforts to:
Protect the environment
Respect fundamental rights and develop human capital
Meet the expectations of our clients (Investors & Project/Business owners)
Create Value through financing disruptive innovation
Apply the rules of good governance